Livestream Gachapon : Offline


Next Stream Date: 8/27/22 @6pm Central US Time

Link to Stream

Hey guys!

We decided to try a limited run for Gachapon orders that will be rolled via livestream on Twitch with our gachapon machine!

*The Gacha items are actually valued to be more than 10$.

So these orders will be a random enamel pins, charms, sticker bundles, squishies, lanyards, or more from the shop, from listed items and unknown/surprise ones! Some are new items, some are old, some are clearance, and some are brand new!

What’s so special about this Gacha? There’s a chance to roll the silver ball, which means you win a blanket of your choice! The winner will be emailed if they are not on livestream, and an announcement will be on the website and social media if applicable (winners are anonymous, otherwise they request to have their social media tag posted as the winner. I will NOT post real names for security purposes).

In your order/customer notes, please put your social media tags or the word anonymous! I will still ask during the livestream in case you change your mind.


Limit 5 slots per person!

Out of stock

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